1. Empowerment or Manipulation? Power Dynamics at the Edge of Social Media Interfaces.
Goran Kardum and Marija Brajčić
2. War’s Dialectical Tragedy: Irony, Suffering, and the Limits of Human Understanding.
William Kinsella
3. Beyond the Recipe: The ‘Confessional’ Voice and the Democratization of Food Journalism in the Whetstone Radio Collective.
Gabriela Rodriguez-Aflecht
4. Dancing with the Dark Side: Exploring the Intersection of Monsters and MTV’s Gothic Aesthetic.
Henri Valtteri Pesonen
5. A Critical Analysis of Black Lives Matter Denmark’s Practices and Counterpublic Position.
Bolette B. Blaagaard
6. Humanity in the Tourist Landscape: Re-Evaluating the Role of People in the Tourism Encounter.
Laurance J. Splitter