1. Irregular perspective shifts and perspective persistence, discourse-oriented and theoretical approaches.
Caroline Gentens, María Sol Sansiñena, Stef Spronck and An Van linden
2. Changing perspectives Something old, something new.
Lieven Vandelanotte
3. Recursive embedding of viewpoints, irregularity, and the role for a flexible framework.
Max van Duijn and Arie Verhagen
4. The emergence of viewpoints in multiple perspective constructions.
Sonja Zeman
5. In the beginning there was conversation Fictive direct speech in the Hebrew Bible.
Sergeiy Sandler and Esther Pascual
6. Solega defenestration Underspecified perspective shift in an unwritten Dravidian language.
Aung Si and Stef Spronck
7. Indexical ‘mismatch’; or, adaptability at work.
Jef Verschueren