We welcome proposals for special issues on topics that fall under the scope of the journal. Special issues are focused on a specialized topic that is of current interest. Special Issues should be organized by experts in the field of interest and attract high quality articles.
A special issue proposal should contain a detailed account of the relevance, the originality, and the coherence of the proposed issue by the proposers (1700 – 2000 words excl. references). As part of the basic proposal, guest editors are also required to include a statement of
1) Why the particular journal is a good/appropriate venue, and/ or
2) Discuss explicitly the contributions the special edition makes to the particular field of study it covers. Furthermore, it should contain an abstract of each paper (ca. 500-800 words excl. references).
Based on this proposal, the editorial team decides on the appropriateness of the proposed SI for “Pragmatics” within due time. Please note that acceptance of a SI-proposal does not imply that all articles which are submitted afterwards as part of the SI will survive the reviewing process.
A special issue should not exceed 75.000 words (including a comprehensive introduction in which the theoretical background and overall relevance and coherence of the SI is outlined and the single papers are shortly described). Each article should not exceed the journal’s maximum length of 10.000 words and should conform to its stylesheet.
The overall responsibility for the whole production process of special issues rests with one of the associate editors (and not with the guest editors). The guest editors, however, will be asked to provide a list of possible referees for each of the contributions.
The schedule for the several stages of the submission process (first submission, reviewing, revision, second reviewing, and submission of final version) can be negotiated between journal editor(s) and guest editors. In principle, however, reviewers have 3 months for submitting their reviews, in the case of SIs this time may be exceeded as we always try to find one reviewer who reviews the entire SI. But please note that “Pragmatics” publishes a maximum of 2 SIs per year.
You can send your completed proposal to [email protected]